Thursday, January 06, 2005

E-Mail Advises Bush on Social Security

not to get Political BUT... THIS angered me.
read Yahoo! story

i'm all for individuals taking responsibility for their actions, and living in a society where each of us is independent to make our own decisions - whether to go to war, what we chose as a vehicle to drive, whether we live in the north or the south, whether we heat with wood, oil or solar, where we shop, whether we recycle - but i can tell you that the supposed 'choice' of putting my retirement dollars into bush's cronies corporate pockets scares the $#!+ out of me. Hello? Enron? Hello?
Corporate Greed? and will we be better off investing in stocks as opposed to the bonds SS currently invests in? No. this is a way for the people who control the money to get it out of the government and into their hands (thru 'private investments'), they have no interest in supporting the masses. human nature and history tells us this.

in regards to Social Security: "It was never intended as an investment scheme. So everyone - retirees, the disabled, widows, and orphans - receive guaranteed monthly income." we could potentially be returing to the era before The New Deal - we didn't live in late 1800's/early 1900's with the Poverty and Exploitation of workers back then, but pick up the book, "The Belles of New England" and you'll realize that what they fought years for in worker's rights could be washed away in bush(read: karl rove)'s *idea* of a more responsible society.

check out the christian science monitor for a good article... "So the complexities of change are substantial. If the extra return from privatization is not very advantageous, "why even consider changes that all agree would be very disruptive?""


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